Faith Formation
Faith Formation is a general title given to programs that help Catholics deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith and tradition throughout their lifetime, from childhood through adulthood.
Our parish offers a variety of faith formation programs. Even though a majority of these formal programs are designed for children, our parish also offers many opportunities for adult faith formation throughout the course of the year.
You are welcome to explore the various programs that our parish offers, or check our parish bulletin for current faith formation opportunities.
Faith Formation Classes
In our parish, faith formation classes are offered for children in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Registration packets are mailed to all families with children in these grade levels during the month of August each year. If you did not receive a registration packet, please contact the parish office.
- Grades K-6: Classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in St. Mary/St. Gabriel Hall.
- Grade 7-8: Classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the Sacred Heart Room and St. Ann Hall.
Download 2023-2024 Faith Formation Documents:
Faith Formation Registration 2023-2024
Faith Formation Calendar 2023-2024
Faith Formation Photo Release Form
Youth Ministry
In addition to Sunday morning classes, youth in grade 7 are invited to join those in grades 8 -12 in St. Anne Hall from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. one Sunday each month. Each Youth Night consists of teachings in Catholic beliefs, interactive activities and socialization. Come join us in faith, fun, and fellowship! Guests are welcome.
Important Reminders to Parents
If your child is in the first grade, remember that two years of Faith Formation is a requirement to receive the sacraments of First Confession and First Eucharist, which are received during the second grade. You must make sure that your child is registered and regularly attends Faith Formation classes this school year in order for them to be properly prepared to receive their sacraments next school year.
If your child is in second grade, you must make sure that your child is registered and regularly attending faith formation classes in order for them to be properly prepared to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. In addition to your responsibility of making sure that your child regularly attends these classes, all parents of children in second grade are required to attend two workshops for each sacrament:
- First Reconciliation Parent Workshop and First Reconciliation Parent & Children Retreat
- First Eucharist Parent Workshop and First Eucharist Parent & Children Retreat
If your child is in seventh grade, you must make sure that he or she is registered and regularly attends Faith Formation classes this school year in order to be properly prepared to be confirmed next school year when they are in the eighth grade. Two years of Faith Formation are required to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Youth in Grade Seven are also welcomed and encouraged to attend Youth Ministry sessions.
If your child is in eighth grade, you must make sure that your youth is registered and regularly attends Faith Formation classes to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Youth in Grade 8 are also welcomed and encouraged to attend Youth Ministry sessions prior to and after the Rite of Confirmation.
If your child is in grades nine through twelve, they have the responsibility to continue their formation of faith. They have been confirmed in the Catholic faith. Confirmation is the START of life as a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church, The Body of Christ. With that comes a greater responsibility, not only to share their faith but also to be a continuing example of the faith in and OUT of Church. It is that simple and that challenging. They are now called to go deeper and deeper into their faith so as to grow in relationship with Christ and His Church. Youth Ministry provides youth with this opportunity.